Friday 6 January 2012

Ways to present your work.

There are many different ways in which to present your work but before you even think of doing this you have to take some time and consider how you can improve the work that you are going to display. It is not enough to merely have a selection of photographs. You must choose the photographs that will show your best work. Your display might have a theme or it might be a selection of random work. By paying attention to detail you will be able to present your work in the best possible way.

Editing your work

  • Cropping - This is merely removing unwanted portions of a photo if you feel they are not important. To crop you need to have a particular aspect ratio such as 4x6 inches, 5x7 inches, 8x10 inches... etc. This is very important if you want to make prints. Cropping can let you focus in on the main subject.
  • Resizing - You made decide to make the photo larger or smaller. Images are often reduced in size because of the high megapixel count. We have to make sure the proportions stay the same when altering the size.
  • Enhancing Image - We can do this by adjusting the contrast and brightness so that if for instance the sky is too dark we can lighten it so that there is more of a contrast between the sky and the horizon.
  • Sharpening the Image - If an image looks too soft we can sharpen it so that the outline becomes more defined. We can also correct the colours to give it a more life-like feel. If the colours do not look true to reality it is called having a colour cast. This happens particularly when taking photographs inside when you have set your white balance to auto.
  • Lightness/Darkness - We can alter these aspects to give the picture a more 3D look.
  • Black and White - To have a photo in black and white brings out the juxtopositon of light and dark. Shadows become more prominent. For example clouds will look more dramatic. Using black and white focuses attention upon the contents of the photo, it's depth and contrasting shadows.
  • Sepia - Using sepia can impart an old fashioned look to your photography. It can give it a feeling of a particular era.
  • Digital Manipulation - You might wish at this point to use some digital manipulation. This might be to introduce an new aspect to the topic you have chosen or just to remove or place a new addition to it.

Ways of Displaying your work

Portfolio - It is vital to have a portfolio of your work as it is always at hand and easy to transport. It's an easy way to allow both yourself and your work the greatest exposure. A portfolio is a case with different sections into which you can place your work. It can be large, medium or small depending on your chosen work and can also contain different information on the different photos. It's waterproof, zips up and is easy to carry having a handle. Portfolios can be presented on CD ROM, DVD, Video tape, Websites, Web Gallery as well as the traditional way. You should only include the cream of your work. Make sure that your most excellent photos are at the front and the back with your other really good photos in the middle. This way the examiner will come in on a high and go out on a high.Your portfolio should be targeted for a specific market.

Books - Using online services such as Blurb and Photobox you can have all the tools you need to make your own photographic book. This way you could add other artwork and text if you so desired. With this service you will get bookstore quality printing and binding. You can choose hard cover or soft cover, and an array of sizes. As well as using this service to show your work you can also order in bulk for selling on to whoever you want to.

Handmade/Handprinted Books - For those people who are both artistic and creative they might wish to handprint their photographs and any written work and present them in a handmade book. This could be a book that is handbound in the general way or a book that shows the inventiveness of the photographer.

Vistaprint - This is another online service whereby your photos can be transferred onto calendars, notebooks, postcards, diaries, keyrings, posters, T-Shirts etc.

Framed Prints - It is important to choose frames that will compliment your work. These can then be hung in a exhibition centre or gallery. It is best to keep frames simple so that the emphasis is on your photos. Position of prints on the wall should also be taken into account, for example, do you wish to have one long line of prints, a random display or set in squares etc...

Galleries/Exhibitions - This is a good way to get your work seen by people who maybe come your clients. Exhibitions can take place in Galleries, Art Galleries, Craft Galleries, as a adjunct to an art shop. Libraries will often show peoples work. Ohter places might include Churches, Community rooms, schools, Museums, Village halls and craft shops etc. These are all Grist to the mill. The one drawback about galleries is that it will appeal to people who are already interested into your type of work but not necessarily to the general public who might feel that such places are above them.

Prints - This is one of the main ways of showing your work and these can be displayed in many ways. They can be sold via the internet using websites, blogs, Flikr. Prints can be in various sizes and shapes and can be sold as they are or framed and used in many different ways. They can be printed on many different types of papers such as Glossy or Matt for different effects.

Postcards - These can be a useful tool as an advertisement for the photographer. They can be added to an order of photographs and this remind the client of your work. They cna be used as a freebie that the guests pick up with your details on.

Websites/Blog - Websites are an ideal way to sell your work. Online shopping has become a vast industry and is enjoyed because you can shop from home. You have a market that is world wide rather than local. You can also network with other websites so that people can naturally come to your site. Your advertising strategy is totally personal on a website so that your personality shines through. Blogs are very similar to websites, but are more of a chatty, getting people to know you system which can be linked up to your website. Blogs help to build rapport with individuals that visit and make it easy to build up a fan base.

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