Saturday 28 January 2012

Presenting my work with no limitations.

Given free reign the way that I would like to present my pictures would be inkeeping with their ethereal and surreal nature. Rather than having them hanging on a wall I would have them superimposed upon large semi-transparent material suspended from the ceiling, with each picture curved into a semicircle and at different angles to eachother in a low lit room (not pitch black) , each one being uplit. This would give the sensation of becoming one with the photo.  I would also like there to be a very gentle breeze to make the material sway slightly. I feel this would add to the dream like quality. Sound such as birdsong, babbling brook or the whistling wind piped in as a gentle background noise would add to the atmosphere.

I feel that this way of presenting the work would allow people to feel as though they were actually standing within the picture which would be of a life like size.

The location I would choose for my presentation would ideally be in a large building such as a dock side loft with all four walls being made of glass. Viewing would only be allowed at night when it's dark. This would allow the photos the feeling of having no boundaries. There would be nothing to distract the viewer and it would give the impression of being in the open air. In a perfect world I would have the restriction of only one person in at a time to make it a truly personal experience. I realise however that this would not be practical on any level due to time and that very few people would ever get to see it.

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