Monday 30 January 2012

Third Manipulated Image.

Here I am again with another manipulated Image. I have decided this time to be a bit over the top. I have always had a soft spot for the old horror films with Chistopher Leigh and Vincent Price. They always had a theatrical humourous side and were very tongue in cheek. I have taken some photos of our local graveyard and also purloined some halloween items from our pub and took photographs of these to use as props. These included small plastic skeletons, a crow and a clock.

'Time of their lives'

First of all I used the graveyard shot as the first layer and I changed the colour in Picaso to make it appear to be twilight. I also sharpened the image. I then opened up the photo in photoshop ready for manipulation. I set up the skeletons in a pile of soap powder so that when I took the photograph it would appear that the skeleton was rising out of the ground. The soap powder would not be seen once I had used the Quick Selection Tool. I also took single photographs of the crow and the clock. I positioned all of these props using seven layers making sure that I set them to scale. I also used the opacity tool on the layers of the clock and skeletons to make them look more ghostly. The last layer that I used was a close-up of a picture of a large fake cobweb that I had previously taken from a halloween party. I placed this image onto the whole of the background image to give an eerie aspect. It almost looks as though you are looking through a veil. I also used the Opacity tool so you could see through to the background layer and then after some experimentation I used the exclusion effect.

This manipulation still had the theme of time so we used the clock as an ongoing reminder.

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