Wednesday 4 January 2012

Researching - Olivier Grunewald.

Olivier Grunewald was born in Paris in the late 1950's. He started his photographic life by photographing birds when he was fourteen. After studying he started freelancing doing Sports and Mountaineering photography using a Medium Format camera. Later he switched to a Large Format camera and began to focus on nature and developed a long term project on Volcanoes. He travelled all over the world and collaberated with his wife Bernadette Gilbertaz, a Geographer and Journalist. He also produced Documentaries on Wild Earth For Science And Nature Magazine.

Olivier Grunewald takes pictures of nature from across the world, from the Desert Plains to the wastes of Iceland, Jungles, Forests and Sea. He captures the extremes, the heat, the cold, the colours and the emotions the places evoke. He takes sweeping Landscapes and also close-ups of insects and plants. He enjoys the fluctuations of light and textures.

He loved dramatic effect which can be seen in his sunsets. He is fascinated by light and the play of light on the surrounding scenery. His sunsets are highly dramatic, his photos of the Northern Lights fantastical and otherwordly. Grunewald is a photographer that has to emote with his work. His photos excite me and I would like to try to capture some of this excitement in my photography work.

Saguaros carnegia gigantea on a sunset sky organ pipe n.p, Arizona - Olivier Grunewald
This picture shows a multicoloured sky of burnt oranges, pinks, purples and dark blues and in the foreground are the dramatic images of huge cacti all in silhouette. It is part of the Oxford Scientific Collection. This photograph caught my eye because it is similar to photos that I took in the Arizona Desert. I too took pictures of Cacti Silhouetted against a harsh lit sunset background. I think this looks incredible effective with the contrast of the dark foreground against the intense colours of the background.

Epupa Falls, North Namibia - Olivier Grunewald
This photograph has barren hills in the background under a blue sky and the middle and foreground comprises of a tiered waterfall surrounded by desert flora. The picture has a top boarder and right boarder of hot colours and sun, whilst the rest has cold colours and shadows. It looks like late evening. Again the reason that I am drawn to this picture is that it is dramatic and awe inspiring. I love the juxtoposition of the light and the shade, the hot and the cold colours.

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