Monday 21 November 2011

Light Drawing Session.

A couple of weeks back we experimented with Light Drawing. I found that it is quite addictive. The only hard part is using your imagination to come up with new Ideas. We firstly had a go with the torches in the Studio. We set the cameras to Bulb Photography and then whoever would hold the Shutter down for any length of time that we needed to create an image with the torches/glowsticks etc. We all individually came up with some images to create and then we came together as a team to transform the images in the dark. For example we tried to do a boat out at sea on a summers day which I will display further on in this post. Each one of us would concentrate on just one particular part of the image to draw with the torches. After a couple of attempts I think we finally got there. Another picture we decided on doing was a Christmassy theme and so on...

Shortly after working in the Studio we ventured outside to see what other pictures we could design. We came across the park which was deserted and decided to use this as our base.

1 comment:

  1. Great examples of your first go at light drawings Holly. Reflect on your second attempt at light drawings outside, state the differences and what you learnt from each experience.
