Tuesday 29 November 2011

Derwent Water in the Peaks.

Another attempt at venturing across woodlands to try to capture semi-decent photos. This time I decided to get up at 5:30 AM and drive straight to the destination just in time for dawn break. Luck didn't seem to be following me however, as I chose to go out on the foggiest morning I have seen this year so far. Typical. I am a fan of foggy days mind...Just I couldn't really see anything in front of me, at all... in the slightest. Still, I carried on, determined to get some successful shots and hoping the fog would die out. It did a little...yay! The remaining fog gave the photo's more of an edge, so all in all it was a success. 


  • Charged battery and new spare battery the previous night.
  • Tripod intact. 
  • Manual guide for my specific camera in case.
  • Suitable clothing ( A warm coat, walking attire and Gloves!)
  • Plenty of space on memory card. 
  • Spare memory card.
I really wanted to capture some shots focusing on the Colour contrast. The whole reason I chose Woodlands/Forests for my assignment was to capture the tree populated areas and to show how they can change during one season on to the next. For example how the colours change and how a forest rampant with growth can change to a seemingly impotent skeletonised version of itself whilst still retaining a sombre beauty.

In these following three pictures I have changed the White Balance, Shutter Speed, Aperture, Colour Intensity  (on the last one) and ISO. I pictured the same spot just to show how you can create a different atmosphere just by changing the light exposure, colours etc. On all three of these photos I used my tripod (it is my new best friend).

                                        Shutter Speed: 3 Sec F/10 ISO 200 WB: Cool-White fl.

                                            Shutter Speed: 10 Secs F/22 ISO 100 WB: Cloudy.

                                             Shutter Speed: 10 Secs F/10 ISO 100 WB: Cloudy.
                            Here I intensified the red in my Filter effect options on my camera.
                         To me the colour contrast was shocking to look at and I wanted to show 
                          this as the colours didn't look as radiant once the photo had been taken.

                                       Shutter Speed: 4 Secs F/13 ISO 100 WB: Cloudy.
                             I took this photo on my Tripod but from a low angle to exaggerate 
                          the length of the tall trees compared to the small tree situated central.

                                         Shutter Speed: 1.3 F/5.3 ISO 400 WB: Cloudy.

Overall I felt I had quite a successful trip. I find one of the most challenging things is to try and take shots that are quite different from eachother. On one of my new outings I plan to take some of the different aspects of a forest besides the trees. I may also try to shoot during sunset to allow even more new exciting colours to come into the frame. I quite like the Idea of doing a close-up or an Abstract image in one of my final six photographs.

1 comment:

  1. Great experimentation Holly, the last few images are really strong, i suggest you shoot more along this theme. They will sit well with you travel pics as the colour is quite intense. Try juxtaposing strong colour images alongside your travel pics and also softer images...compare the difference?
