Tuesday 29 November 2011


A few lessons back I had a discussion with Marie on some different ideas on how to present my work for the final draft. Besides me choosing to do a woodland theme, I may try experimenting on something else aside. This being me creating my own book of Images that I took whilst venturing the States on my holiday and comparing the Landscapes in America to the Landscapes of Britain ( juxtaposing the two).

I could use the site Blurb and create my own book and then use this to display my images. For now it is only an idea as of course I have my Woodland theme to carry on with. But it is something I am interested in. Autumn over in America, particularly the states in which I visited is a lot different to how Autumn looks over here. Britain is much darker for starters and automatically looks colder in the pictures and maybe in some ways less modernised.

Below are just a few images of me comparing the two Countrys:

The First Image is taken in Britain whereas the Second Image is taken in America. Both were taken of sunsets coming to their end.


  1. Following on from our discussion last night, edit down your travel pics and shoot some more pics to juxtapose with them...try putting a few more together to get a feel for them as a set :) Any Q's give me an e mail

  2. Also, have a look at some photobook websites; BLURB, Photobox...think about layouts, text etc. Have a bit of a play...
