Sunday 30 October 2011

Shutter Speeeeeeeeed.

Okay here is the next catching up session... ( I want more hours in the day please! ) .

Shutter Speed - Okay so I have been having some problems with this task. I thought I understood it, so I started clicking away with the camera...then I found out that I couldn't really get the hang of it. So with a little chat with Marie I think I half understand what to do. I just have problems with matching the F number so the two work together. Working with Manual scares me a little, but I am persistant!

I have tried to get some fast and slow Shutter Speed pictures so you can tell the difference between the two. As the course progresses I'll obviously add more pictures but here is a taster. Also I have edited here and there by changing the Monochrome or intencifying the colours etc...

Shutter Speed: 1/400 F5.6 ISO 200

                                                     Shutter Speed: 1/400 F5.6 ISO 200

                                                   Shutter Speed: 1/160 F7.1 ISO 400

                                                   Shutter Speed: 1/400 F5.6 ISO 200

I managed to catch a thunderstorm whilst I was in Miami - One of the most exciting ones I'd ever witnessed. I may even have been a little scared. I started to experiment with the Shutter speed and although unfortunately I didn't capture the Fork Lightning, I managed to use a fast Shutter Speed to freeze the Sheet Lightning. Here is the difference between a fraction of a second...


Shutter Speed: 1/30 F7.1 ISO 800

                                                     Shutter Speed: 1/30 F7.1 ISO 800

                                                   Shutter Speed: 1/1.6 F3.8 ISO 800

                                                 Shutter Speed: 1/1.3 F3.8 ISO 800





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