Monday 17 October 2011

Catch up!

Okay it appears having a holiday has put me behind a few weeks... although I did turn into a snap happy freak whilst venturing across America. Luckily, I met some camera buff at the airport on my way and he advised me on some good camera magazines for the journey. Having just bought a new camera (Nikon D3100), it gave me a chance to explore and get used to its settings as I was completely ignorant about the workings of my camera.

I played around considerably with the ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed. As I missed the Shutter Speed Lecture I kind of just experimented and see where it got me. I played around with water droplets one whole afternoon to see if I could sharpen each water droplet by increasing the shutter speed and for a first time effort I think I did Okay. We also witnessed some thunderstorms, but I was only able to capture the sheet lightning even though I was obsessively clicking away to capture the fork lightning. (I may use some of these pictures for the mini tasks that I have missed).

I enjoyed taking pictures at dawn, evening and night as the colours outside help to create an atmospheric picture (majority of the time without editing). I seem to have problems with taking pictures in the day as they always come out quite plain and boring...unless I edit them.

Anyway, I am going to spend the next few weeks catching up and researching some photographers for my assignment which is on Landscape. More to come on that in a short while....

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